Mode of Study
The Vianord TEP (Technical Education Program) is carried out as on-line studies. When carrying out on-line studies, participants need to consider that for each course they must define their hours of organized study independently. The time spent on-line, watching videos and downloading documents, is less than the time spent in the equivalent face-to-face course, therefore, the on-line method of studies requires more independent work. As a general recommendation, Vianord suggest that any specific course should be taken and completed in one single day.
To advance from one course to the next, the participant must acquire the required knowledge from the previous courses so to satisfy the basic prerequisites. Vianord decided not to force people in or out of any course and therefore there is no system in place to check and make sure participants satisfy the perquisites. It is the participant’s decision to take a course even if the required preconditions are not met.